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We just won the scenic city Cup in Chattanooga Tennessee and it was our first time playing together.

It was really fun so I offered, as the sponsor of New York Rise, a celebratory day of beauty here in the salon.

Today’s women we can get down and dirty and grubby but we still want to look good we still want to be pretty you know, but you know just don’t mess with us.


Yeah it’s a long time coming from New York a lot of big softball fans here. People are going to be thrilled to see this group come and play in front of a home crowd. So we got nine home games at HRA they’re all in July ticket prices will be affordable so we want people in the crowds. It’s not a big venue expect it to be sold out for every single game.

I’m extremely extremely excited to play in front of our New York crowd here. It’s a big state, it’s a huge market, everybody wants to see us and the success that we’re to bring this area and just the professional world. I’m definitely very excited to have that fire and that energy at a Haw Shire stadium in front of the New York crowd representing New York. It’s been so great especially it being the first season that is something that you can take with you forever. It’s super special, people are finally realizing, “hey women’s sports can be entertaining too.” Yeah just trying to grow women’s sports sport of softball so I played with Jenna and Alex at missou so they’re saying hey we’re going to start something you want to be part of it? I’m like yeah sure I just want to play as long as I can.

I get play with like two of my best friends so I’m like yeah I was actually committed to hofire University under coach Anderson and then when she left I followed her over to University of Missouri and I tried to get them both to come with me cuz I knew that it’d be fun with both of them.

What are you excited to show them? They’re going to love the beaches. I think going to the city with them the trains they’re very excited to get on the trains, so I’m going to show them around there just a little bit of everything you know.

The most important thing is that this is a professional sports franchise so when we talk about the New York rise you know it’s in the same breath as The Islander is the New York Liberty the Mets the Giants the Rangers the Knicks Yankees very very exciting.